
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Train as you fight, fight as you train

Because we know how to fight and defend ourselves we are more aware. We can see it least you should. Always be aware of your surroundings so as never to be surprised. Taijutsu is a combat martial art so treat it as such while you train. 

To many practitioners these days are to hung up on mastering the intricacies of Kihon Happo and quite frankly wouldn't last in a true conflict. Just because you are training in a combat martial art and think of yourself as a ninja doesn't mean you are truly prepared.  Get out of the dojo and train in the parking lot, park, rocky terrain, etc. Have you ever thrown someone in the rain or snow? How about while you are wearing your everyday clothing instead of dojo gear.  Practice techniques and henka in scenarios. Climbing out of your car, sitting at a picnic table, walking down the street or lying in the grass at a park reading a book. 

Get creative with your training. If you have an instructor who won't step outside of his/her precious dojo then get some fellow mind trainees together and do some extra-curricular training.

  All my classes are conducted outside in the elements. Most of my early training took place in the mountains in rain, snow and everything in between. Luckily for me I was trained by someone who had been in real combat and had real world experience. Learning combat attitude is essential to self-defense and it is my goal to teach you to survive and win to see another day.

Live, love and play!

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